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MiniBridge Software

Micro MiniBridge

This is a playing software for MiniBridge, supporting practice mode, duplicate game, and several languages. You are free to use and redistribute this program for personal use only, but any changes to the software or public distribution is strictly prohibited without our consent.

Make a new folder (for example, c:\MicroMiniBridge), extract bin, Card, and MyHands folder from the downloaded zip file, copy them into the new folder, and double-click bin\miniMb.exe.

Micro MiniBridge V3.00 (mmbridge.zip, 1,542KB)

If Windows Defender SmartScreen prevents the downloaded exe file from running, click More Info and click Run anyway.

Supported Languages
Micro MiniBridge currently supports the following languages. English is initially chosen, and to choose another language, run the program and click the Language button.
  • English (Default language)
  • French (Translator: Paul Farizy)
  • Japanese (Translator: Tomio Uchida)
  • Simplified Chinese (Translator: Chou-Hou Chan)
  • Spanish (Translator: Ismael Rodrigo)
  • Traditional Chinese (Translator: Chou-Hou Chan)
  • User Defined Language (See below)
User Defined Language
Micro MiniBridge has two language definition files corresponding to each language. For example, TERMS_EN.TXT and HELP_EN.HTM are definition files for English. TERMS_UD.TXT and HELP_UD.HTM are also in the BIN subfolder and they are for User Defined Language. To create your own language version, edit and translate them and choose User Defined Language from the language list shown by the Language button.

If you make your own language version and agree to make it available to the public, please contact us. We welcome offers for a language version which is not listed above.
The Rule of MiniBridge
MiniBridge is a card game for four players. They sit round a square table and their positions are called North, East, South, and West. The North and South players are partners and the East and West players are partners.
In this software, you are South and computer plays the other three players.

MiniBridge uses a pack of 52 cards excluding jokers. Dealer shuffles and deals the cards one by one in a clockwise direction. Each player has 13 cards and counts their high card points.

  • High Card Points
    Ace = 4, King = 3, Queen = 2, Jack = 1
Dealer announces his number of high card points, clockwise followed by the other players. The pair of players who announce the higher total number of points become the declaring side. If both sides have 20, deal again. The declarer is the player of the declaring side who has more points than his partner, if equal the one who announced first is the declarer.
Partner of declarer becomes dummy, and spreads his cards faced up on table. Declarer announces the contract - either game or part score, and the denomination of play either a trump suit or notrump.

  • In part score, declarer must win at least 7 tricks.
  • In a notrump game, declarer must win at least 9 tricks.
  • In game with hearts or spades as trump, declarer must win at least 10 tricks.
  • In game with clubs or diamonds as trump, declarer must win at least 11 tricks.
Declarer decides which cards are played from the dummy hand and the dummy hand is visible to all players throughout the play of the deal.
The player to the left of the declarer starts by playing the first card (the opening lead). The player leading to a trick may play any card. Each other player in turn clockwise plays a card; the four cards so played constitute a trick. In playing to a trick, each player must follow suit if possible. The trick is won by the highest trump if there is one; otherwise by the highest cards of the suit led. The player that wins the trick leads to the next one. After all the cards have been played, the players agree how many tricks were won by each side.

If declarer wins the number of tricks required to make the contract, the declaring side earns:

  • Notrump contracts: 40 for the first scoring trick, 30 for each subsequent trick.
    Spade or Heart contracts: 30 for each scoring trick.
    Diamond or Club contracts: 20 for each scoring trick.

    The first six tricks won do not count towards the score.
    The seventh trick is the first scoring trick.

  • 50 points for part score.
  • 300 points for game contract.
If declarer does not win the number of tricks required to make the contract, the declaring side is awarded no score and the defending side earns 50 points for every undertrick.

  • A part score contract in notrump, 8 tricks are made:
    Score 70 for the scoring trick
    Plus part score bonus of 50 = 120
  • A game contract in spades, 11 tricks are made:
    Score 150 for the scoring trick in spades
    Plus game bonus of 300 = 450
  • A game contract in hearts makes 8 tricks. The defenders get 100 points.