Micro Bridge
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Fair Play Algorithms

Bidding Options

Making Your Own
Bidding Systems

Defenders' Signals

Game Mode

Player Mode

Making Hands

Network Play

Other Features
Game Mode
Practice Mode
In practice mode, you simply play each board respectively. The score is calculated based on duplicate scoring (not rubber scoring), but is not compared with any other results.

Duplicate Mode
Micro Bridge supports the following types of duplicate games.

  • 2-Team Match
    Your results are compared with the results of the Closed Room. Closed Room play is achieved by a computer parallel to your play, and you can specify the bidding system and aggressiveness of pairs in the Closed Room. Two types of scoring methods (IMP and Board-a-Match scoring) are available.
  • 3-Team Match
    Your results are compared with actual team match results.
  • Pairs Tournament
    Your results are compared with actual pair match results, and Micro Bridge calculates your match points and decides your final ranking. Three types of pairs tournament are supported: Match-Point scoring (simple MPs or Percentage), Cross-IMP scoring, and Butler scoring (IMP against the datum).
3-Team Match and Pairs Tournament need Tournament Data which contains actual hands and results of tournaments. Japan Contract Bridge League offers thirteen Tournament Data disks (from 1988 to 2000's tournaments in Japan), and Mr. Chou-Hou Chan offers seven Tournament Data disks (from 1993 to 1999's tournaments at the Taipei International Bridge Club). 1988-1992 JCBL Tournament Data and 1993-1999 Taipei International Bridge Club Tournament Data (a total of over 10,000 boards) are included in Micro Bridge.

Using PBN Files
You can play a game from a PBN file and compare your results with the corresponding results in the PBN file. The game mode depends on the number of results in the PBN files.

  • Practice
    When the PBN file has no results.
  • 2-Team Match
    When the PBN file has one result per board.
  • 3-Team Match
    When the PBN file has two results per board.

Using Hand Records
Once you save your play to the hand record file, you can use it in three different ways.

  • Review Hand Records
    You can visually trace the auction and play of the hand records.
  • Follow Hand Records
    You can follow the auction and play of the hand records. If your call or play is different from the recorded one, a confirmation message is displayed and you can choose the recorded call (or play) or your own call (or play). You can call or play freely once your own call or play is chosen.
  • Play Hand Records
    You can play the recorded hands in the hand record file and compare your results with the recorded results. This function enables you to enjoy a team match with your friends. You play with computer players or human players using a network and save the hand records to a floppy disk. Give it to your friends, and they can play a game using these hand records.