
Shinshu, My Native Land

Go down to the English part.

In Japanese:

早春の妙高山 写真:藤田秀一 (1995)




信濃の国は十州に 境(さかい)連ぬる国にして
聳(そび)ゆる山はいざ高く 流れる川はいや遠し
松本、伊那、佐久、善光寺 四つに平(たいら)は肥沃の地
海こそなけれ物さわに 万(よろ)ず足(た)らわぬことぞなき

四方に聳ゆる山々は 御嶽乗鞍駒ヶ岳
浅間は殊(こと)に活火山 いずれも国の鎮めなり
流れ淀まずゆく水は 北に犀川千曲川
南に木曽川天竜川 これまた国の固めなり

木曽の谷には真木(まき)茂り 諏訪の湖には魚多し
民のかせぎも豊かにて 五穀の実らぬ里やある
しかのみならず桑とりて 蚕飼(こが)いの業の打ちひらけ
細きよすがも軽からぬ 国の命を繋ぐなり




木曽のナァ 中乗りさん
木曽の御嶽さんは ナンジャラホイ
夏でも寒い ヨイヨイヨイ
アラ ヨイヨイヨイノ ヨイヨイヨイ
真ん中を漕ぐ お頭さんと
木曽の御嶽山は どういう関係かね。








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Shinshu, My Native Land

Go up to the Japanese part.

Lake Nojiri at Sunset
Photo by Shuichi Fujita (1994)

Shinshu's Dialects, Folklore, Traditions and Areas

Shinshu is the name of the old Province which included roughly all of the towns and villages of the present-day Nagano Prefecture. It is a mountainous country, without access to the Pacific Ocean or the Japan Sea. Its people are in general known for love of discussions and pride in traditional Japanese moral, higher education and high technology.

The Province of Shinano (Shinano no Kuni) is the official prefectural song which all Shinshu-ites know and which is sung quite frequently at any meetings.

The Song of Nagano Prefecture in English: La chanson du départment de Nagano en français :
The Province of Shinano is the land
Which borders on ten other provinces.
The towerng mountains here are high, and
The running rivers flow very far.

Matsumoto, Ina, Saku and Zenkoji
Are our four major basins with fertile soil.
Though there are no seas, we lack
Nothing else, and are a country rich in resources.

La Province de Shinano est la terre
Qui est contiguë aux dix autres provinces.
Les hauts montagnes ici sont tres hauts, et
Les rivières coulent au tres loin.

Matsumoto, Ina, Saku et Zenkoji
Sont les cuvettes majeures avec le sol fertile.
Ainsi qu'il n'y a pas de la mer, nous ne manquons
Rien, et sont un pays riche en ressources.

The high-rising mountains on the four sides are:
Ontake, Norikura, Komagatake and
Asama, an active volcano;
They are the foundation of our land.

The rivers that flow incessantly are:
The Sai and the Chikuma in the north and
The Kiso and the Tenryu in the south;
They are the basis of our land.

Les montagnes qui nous menacent dans quatre côtés sont :
Ontaké, Norikura, Komagataké et
Asama, un volcan actif ;
Ils sont la fondation du notre pays.

Les rivières qui coulent incessantment sont :
La Saï et la Chikuma au nord et
La Kiso et la Tenryu au sud ;
Elles sont la base de notre pays.

Japanese cypress trees grow in the valleys of Kiso,
Fish are caught abundantly in Lake Suwa;
We earn our living in a good standing,
And which villages do not have enough grains?

We still plant the mulberry trees
And grow silkworms for our living;
We are the experts in this trade
Which is in the basic fabric of our land.

See for the English explanation in Nagano Prefecture home page and for the French translation in L'Association franco-japonaise de Nagano (The Franco-Japanese Association of Nagano) home page.

Kisobushi, a folk song of Kiso from Nagano Prefecture's southwestern region, is the most famous of the many folk songs originating from our prefecture. In Kiso-Fukushima Town and its neighboring areas, this song is used at the Bon festival dances, held on August 13-16 each year.

Kiso no na-a nakanori-san,
Kiso no Ontake-san wa nanjarahoi ?

Natsu demo samui, yoi yoi yoi !
Ara, yoiyoiyoi no yoi yoi yoi !

What do they have in common, Mt. Ontake in Kiso and
The middleman leader of the 3-man team running the raft of
Japanese cypress logs in the Kiso River ?
It is cold even in summer up in the mountain, and so cool down here, too!

Cities, Towns and Villages in Nagano

Those Who Live in or Are from Shinshu:


Created by Yoshi Mikami of Asia Info Network on Sept. 25, 1996. Reference: Yamagata in My Heart (私の心の山形県 in Japanese). Last update on Aug. 14, 1998.