
The Multilingual Web Guide

A Book Written in Japanese
Published by O'Reilly Japan

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付録A ブラウザとOSから見た対応言語表


付録B コード表の入手先


付録C マルチリンガル処理製品の入手先

ソフトウェア入手先 (オライリー・ジャパンが情報提供)


付録D 参考資料

三上吉彦・町田和彦著 (東京:インターナショナル・トムソン・パブリッシング・ジャパン, 1995)

堤大介著(技術評論社, 1997年7月) 1680円税別、ISBN 4-7741-0468-X

莫邦富(Mo Bang-fu)・戴エ(Dai Rong)著(ジャパン・タイムズ, 1996) 1800円、ISBN 4-7890-0833-9

NetLingo (http://www.netlingo.com), A Dictionary of the Internet Language

English-French Glossary of the Internet-Related Terms by the French Ministry of Culture, Paris


付録E 添付CD-ROMの内容



[p.305] 追加
Acrobat --- 5, 12, 14, 118、187 (187以外を追加)
Adobe Systems --- 207, 234
Alis Technologies --- 167, 206, 213, 280
BeOS --- 159 (追加情報で)
Betstream --- 15 (追加情報で)
BoPoMoFo --- 256
C-DAC --- 149
Composer --- 234 (追加情報で)
cWnn95/98 --- 84 (追加情報で)
CyrWIN --- 147
DocuCom --- 187 (追加情報で)
DynaDoc --- 187 (追加情報で)
DynaLab (台湾では華康科技) --- 185
Ergane --- 237
eSuite WorkPlace --- 187 (追加情報で)
FEP (Front End Processor) --- 201 (追加情報で)
FrontPage --- 234
FrontPage Express --- 234 (追加情報で)
Fusion --- 234
Gist Group --- 149
Global IME (Input Method) --- 166 (追加情報で)
HomeSite --- 234, 265 (234は追加情報で)
Hongbo Data Systems --- 184
HoTMetaL Pro --- 234
HOTALL --- 234
HyperEdit --- 234, 254, 265 (234は追加情報で)
IME (Input Method) --- 91, 153, 154, 201
Internationalization (I18N) --- 138
Internet Explorer 4.0 --- 166, 234 (追加情報で)
ISFOC Script Manager --- 149
kWnn95 --- 91 (追加情報で)

[p.306] 追加
LANG属性 --- 283
Localization (L10N) --- 138 [LIONではない]
LogoVista --- 9, 11, 238
Mac OS X --- 154 (追加情報で)
Multilanguage Support --- 166, 213
NetObjects --- 234
NetPositive --- 159 (追加情報で)
Netscape Communicator --- 165, 234 (234は追加情報で)
Netscape Navigator Gold --- 234
nkf --- 145 (追加情報で)
NLS (National Language Support) --- 138
NIFTY-Serve --- 275
NJ Star, NanJin Star 南極星 (DOS) --- 147, 184
NJWIN (Windows) --- 147, 184, 213 (147を追加)
OCR (Optical Character Recognition) --- 237 (追加情報で)
OS/2 Warp --- 138, 164, 241, 288, 304
ParaWIN --- 147
PageSpinner --- 234, 274
PageMill --- 234, 247
Paint Shop Pro --- 207, 234
PDF (Portable Document Format) --- 187
Photoshop --- 207, 234
Rhapsody --- 150, 154 (追加情報で)
Roboword --- 11, 236
Sindbad --- 179, 264 (264を追加)
Softquad International --- 234
Star+Globe Technology --- 159
Tango Creator --- 271, 280 (271は追加情報で)
TransLand/JE --- 238
Translation Manager --- 237, 243
UNIX --- 118, 154, 171, 173, 208 (154以外は追加)
Video Online --- 170
VoiceType --- 139

[p.307] 追加
WINK97/98 --- 91 (追加情報で)
Word --- 247
Zeon Corp. (中国語社名は台灣棣南公司 たいわん・ていなん・こうし Taiwan Tinan、持-寺+并音ではTaiwan Dinan) --- 187 (追加情報で)
倚天(いてん、中国語読みはイーティエン、台湾ではETen、持-寺+并音ではYitian、英文社名はETen Information System Co., Ltd.) --- 137
イーディッシュ語 ---> イディッシュ語 --- 122 (訂正) エスペラント --- 129, 141, 237
エルゴソフト --- 159 (追加情報で)
オムロンソフトウェア --- 84, 91
簡体字 --- 84, 86, 137, 146, 153, 201, 258 (84以外は追加)

[p.308] 追加
学術情報センター --- 158 (追加情報で)
ゲール語 --- 46, 175
光学文字読み取り --- 237 (追加情報で)
こざいくWeb Designer --- 234
國喬(こっきょう、中国語読みはクォチャオ、台湾ではKuochiao、持-寺+并音ではGuoqiao) --- 137
コンウォール語 --- 46
震漢(しんかん、中国語読みはツェンハン、台湾ではChenhan、持-寺+并音ではZhenhan) ---138
スラブ研究センター(北海道大学) --- 47, 54

[p.309] 追加
デービーソフト --- 234
デーバナーガリ文字 --- 99, 101, 149, 153, 156, 181, 182
長野オリンピック冬季大会 --- 309
日本アイ・ビー・エム --- 11, 234
繁体字 --- 84, 86, 137, 146, 153, 202, 258 (84以外は追加)
ビジョン・コーポレーション --- 234

[p.310] 追加
ブルトン語 --- 47
ホームページ・ビルダー --- 234, 245
翻訳アダプタ II --- 238
翻訳の王様 --- 11
マン語 --- 46
ラ・セーヌ(La Seine) --- 15, 285 (285は追加情報で)
リーブ語 --- 176
零壹(れいいち、中国語読みはリンイー、台湾ではLingyi、持-寺+并音でもLingyi、英文社名はZero One Technology Co., Ltd.) ---138


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Appendices and Subject Index

Move to the Japanese Part.

A Book Written in Japanese
Published by O'Reilly Japan

Appendix A: The Web Browsers and the Languages of the World

Appendix B: Where to Obtain the Code Tables

Appendix C: Where to Obtain Multilingual Processing Products

Additional software is listed in the Software Providers in O'Reilly Japan's web.

Appendix D: The Reference

[p. 299]:
Ian Tresman, "Multilingual PC Directory" (UK: Knowledge Computing, 1994). Part of this book was, under agreement, translated into Japanese and included in Yoshihiko Mikami and Kazuhiko Machida, "PC Directory of Foreign Languages Processing Products '95" (Tokyo: International Thomson Publishing Japan, 1995; ISBN 4-900718-11-4), cited above in the Japanese part.

English-French Glossary of the Internet-Related Terms by the French Ministry of Culture, Paris

Appendix E: The CD-ROM Contents

[pp. 300-304]:
For the Japanese edition of the book, the CD-ROM contents were selected for the Japanese versions of Windows 95, OS/2 Warp, Mac OS and UNIX. (If interested, look into the .../logos/multi/index.html page, written in Japanese, for the software selection process that we went through for the Japanese edition.) They must be revised and tested under the French versions of Win95-OS/2-MacOS-UNIX for this book's French edition, under their German versions for its German edition, etc., etc.

Subject Index

[pp. 305-310]
Additional items are provided above in Japanese. About 84 items (as of April 15, 1998) have been either newly added (such as Adobe Systems, Composer, Gaelic) or described as having additional pages, in the Japanese edition or in the support web.

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Prepared by Yoshi Mikami. Created on Aug. 25, 1997. Last update on Nov. 20, 1998.